Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5 Ways to Lose Weight Even While Eating Restaurant Food!

You are bored with your home cooked meals,fat-loss diets, and would like to visit a restaurant for a change. But, your doctor advised you not to eat restaurant foods as they are high in calories. You don't know what to do, right?

How would it be If I tell you how to enjoy restaurant foods without the fear of gaining any Weight! I'm gonna do exactly that!

Here is the Most Important rule: if a certain food tastes TOO good, it means it has been richly fried,and has High calories and therefore not good for you. Not surprisingly, the raw vegetables and fruits,which usually taste awful(depending on what you choose),are the best for quick weight loss.But that's not all!

Here are the Tips-

1.Visit vegetarian restaurants: Visit restaurants which offer only vegetarian meals. This is NOT to say that non-veg meals are bad.But, with non-veg restaurants, you have to take extra care to make sure that you are not eating high-calorie or high-fat foods.

Example: Ordinary chicken meat which is served in restaurants is generally heavy with huge amounts of fat which is bad for you. Lean chicken meat, By the way, is good for you, but not all restaurants offer lean chicken meat as part of their menus. With vegetarian restaurants, you will be more safer.

2. Drop the salad dressing : You heard it a million times that salads are good for quick weight loss. The reason- salads are nothing but raw vegetables in chopped form. Raw vegetables, as you know help you burn fat by boosting your metabolic rate. But,the salad dressing that is provided in most restaurants is high in calories. So whenever you ask for salads, make sure you get them without toppings.

3. Stay very far from buffets(Important): The foods you see at buffets are usually rich in calorie content. These foods are cooked in bulk with a large amount of oil, thereby making them unsuitable for those who are looking forward to shedding some pounds. If you really want to eat from buffets, make sure you steer clear of these fatty foods and choose the salads and other healthier alternatives instead.

4. Control your portions: Check the amount of food you are going to eat before you take that bite! If you think that the food provided to you is more than the portion  limit you normally allow yourself, eat according to your portion limit and then carry the leftovers back home to be eaten on the next day.

5. Break diet once a week: Break diet once every week so the Body wouldn't get used to the diet.Enjoy the foods you like on this day. Remember: Its essential to continue dieting again after this Break.